run; rush
1.towards 2.run 3.rush例句:
- 他拚命奔跑去追赶公共汽车。He ran like fury to catch the bus.
- 她与老板私奔了。She ran away with her boss/She and her boss ran away (together).
- 我整天忙个不停,疲於奔命。I've been on the run all day and I'm exhausted.
- 他奔向书架。He ran to the bookshelf.
- 不要轻率地奔赴险境,做任何决定之前都要认真想想。Don't rush headlong into danger; think it through carefully before you make any decisions.
- 她以轻快优雅的步子奔上楼去。She runs up the stairs with a light graceful step.
- 狗在女主人的身边奔跑。The dog ran alongside his mistress.
- 她伸开双臂朝他奔去。She ran towards him with, outspread arms/with, arms outspread.

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