protect; shelter; shield
- 但当她刚朝他迈步时,他马上警觉起来,举起猎矛,就要投射。这时朱庇特发现了并及时制止了这种忤逆行为,把母子二人从地上带走,放置在天上,成为大熊星和小熊星。As she was about to approach, he, alarmed, raised his hunting spear, and was on the point of transfixing her, when Jupiter, beholding, arrested the crime, and snatching away both of them, placed them in the heavens as the Great and Little Bear.
- 古代的庇护特权转移到了基督教的教堂。The ancient privilege of sanctuary was transferred to the Christian temple.
- 避难所提供保护及安全的场所;庇护所A place offering protection and safety; a shelter.

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化 discharge terminal