infer; measure; survey
1.astronauticalvehicledetection 2.measure 3.addressdetection 4.axonometer例句:
- 你的理论纯粹是主观臆测。Your theory is pure conjecture.
- 不要对结果妄加猜测。Don't conjecture about the outcome.
- 这正如我所猜测的。It was just as I had conjectured.
- 第一次测量声速是在什么时候?When did the first measurement of the speed of sound take?
- 他们用电桥来测量传感器的阻抗。They use a bridge to measure the impedance of the transducer.
- 风力是按0-12级标准等级测量的。The force of the wind is measured on a standard scale of 0-12.
- 将军推测说敌人将于今天晚上突袭我们。The general conjectures that the enemy will launch an attack against us this night.
- 他并不知道实情,他说的纯属猜测。He didn't know the fact; what he said was pure conjecture.

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