bag; sack【化】 bag
【医】 accessory pocket; bag; haustra; haustration; haustrum; sac; sacculation
【经】 bag
1.haustrum 2.purse 3.pouch 4.poke 5.sackful 6.jellybag例句:
- 他把口袋都塞满了糖果。He crammed as much candy into his pockets as they would hold.
- 他站在那里,双手插在口袋里。He stood there with his hands in his pockets.
- 她把两手插在上衣口袋里。She plunged her hands into her coat pockets.
- 他衣袋里的硬币叮当乱响。The coins jingled in his pocket.
- 他把一张红桃J藏在口?em>铩?He hid a knave of hearts in his pocket.
- 他的口袋全被糖粘住了。His pocket was all gummed up with candy.
- 请把我的充电器放到你的口袋里。Please put my charger into your pocket.
- 他把钱包和汽车钥匙放进了衣袋里。He pocketed his wallet and car keys.

化 mobilization自重的的英语翻译
self-prossessed; self-respecting异丙基·苯基甲醇的英语翻译
化 isopropyl phenyl carbinol背景噪声的英语翻译
计 background noise非正常的投弃货物的英语翻译
经 irregular jettison酸式戊二酸盐的英语翻译
机 acid glutarate氟硼酸铵的英语翻译
化 ammonium borofluoride有利的条件的英语翻译
经 favorable terms承保条的英语翻译
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经 by the month; monthly索引顺序处理程序的英语翻译
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die out; disappear; vanish伪随机的的英语翻译
计 pseudo-random街头市场的英语翻译
经 street market各向异性的物体的英语翻译
电 anisotropic body盐氯钙石的英语翻译
化 baeumlerite救济所的英语翻译
法 safe retreat多重符合分解的英语翻译
计 multiple match resolution