espionage; spy
- 新的事实已众所周知,政府被迫承认处理间谍丑事失当。As new facts became known, the Government was forced to climb down over its handling of the spy scandal.
- 後来发现他原来是间谍。He was later discovered to have been a spy.
- 八年来她实际上一直为敌人做间谍工作。For eight years she was in fact spying for the enemy.
- 这位间谍从未把他的秘密活动告诉家里人。The spy never told his family about his underground activities.
- 他在银行的工作仅仅是他当间谍的一种掩护。His job at the bank was just a screen for his life as a spy.
- 警方抓获了一名外国间谍。The police had captured a foreign spy.
- 这个证据证实了我认为他是间谍的这一看法。This evidence reinforces my view that he is a spy.

医 correlated state大泡性棘皮症的英语翻译
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医 Rhamnus caroliniana Walt.指底间隙的英语翻译
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计 BAM苯乙基乙酰脲的英语翻译
医 phenylethylacetourea巴迪斯法的英语翻译
机 Badischer process待决案件的英语翻译
法 pendente lite; pending case锉刀试验机的英语翻译
机 file tester组合运价的英语翻译
经 combination joint rate财务灵活性的英语翻译
经 financial flexiblity本地证人的英语翻译
法 native witness上臂的英语翻译
the upper arm 机 overarm; upper arm路托赛洛的英语翻译
医 lutocylol沙状的的英语翻译
医 arenaceous; arenoid