arrogant; conceited; proud
- 骄傲自大是他的一个缺点。Arrogance is one of his less attractive characteristics.
- 她对自己出色的烹调技术感到骄傲,是可以理解的。She is pardonably proud of her wonderful cooking.
- 我们夺得奖杯那一天是值得我们骄傲的日子。It was a proud day for us when we won the trophy.
- 【谚】知识使人谦虚,无知使人骄傲。Knowledge makes humble; ignorance make proud.
- 他为他出身于名门望族而骄傲。He was proud of his impeccable pedigree.
- 我骄傲我是中国人。I'm proud I am Chinese.

emphasize; stress; accent; accentuate; i...石英谐振器的英语翻译
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医 Broesike's fossa; mesentericoparieta...补体性的的英语翻译
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化 time opening锥形灯罩的英语翻译
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法 non-national crime推定皮重的英语翻译
法 computed tare尿道球炎的英语翻译
医 bulbitis追溯性曲解的英语翻译
医 paramnesia; promnesia布勒斯氏液的英语翻译
医 Bless' Fluid