rank; stairs; steps【计】 characteristic
【医】 scala
1.indexexponent 2.step 3.stage 4.order 5.multiplicity 6.exponent 7.tatarian 8.characteristic 9.bajocian 10.degree例句:
- 这疾病仍然在初发阶段。The disease is still in its primary stage.
- 这场比赛现在处于最后阶段。The game is now in its final stages.
- 谈判正处于一个关键的阶段。Negotiations were at a crucial stage.
- 这项技术正处于实验阶段。The technique is still at the experimental stage.
- 他在泥泞的台阶上摔倒了。He slipped on the slimy steps.
- 宽阔的台阶使大厦的正面显得有气派。The broad steps in front of the mansion made it look very dignified.
- 他站在长满苔藓的前门的台阶上向里张望。He stepped on the mossy front steps and looked into the house.
- 金属盆子沿着石阶滚了下去,发出咣啷声。The metal basin clattered down the stone stairs.
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经 rack rent