refuse; reject; repel; resist
- 资方有权拒绝接纳。The management reserves the right to refuse admission.
- 我脑中有一闪念,以为他要拒绝了。Just for an instant I thought he was going to refuse.
- 桌上那包糖果对那孩子是个难以抗拒的诱惑。The bag of sweets on the table was too strong a temptation for the child to resist.
- 当时我以为她要拒绝,但最後她却同意了。At one point I thought she was going to refuse, but in the end she agreed.
- 他真是愚蠢,竟会拒绝做那份名报的新闻记者。It is stupid of him to refuse a job as a reporter on that well known newspaper.
- 你拒绝他的建议是明智的。It was wise of you to refuse his offer.
- 我看还是拒绝为好。I deem it proper to refuse.
- 他的自私让他拒绝了我的请求。His selfishness caused him to refuse my solicitation.

photophobia 医 of light intolerance; ph...数字数据自动汇编系统的英语翻译
计 ADDAS惊惶的英语翻译
panic; trepidation公开捐助的英语翻译
法 public subscription安哈里宁的英语翻译
机 anhalinine立即回答的英语翻译
法 immediate reply苯基葡萄糖脎的英语翻译
医 phenylglucosazone确实的的英语翻译
assured; indubitable; sure-enough; undis...非当事人的英语翻译
法 stranger瑕的英语翻译
defect; flaw半心畸胎的英语翻译
医 hemicardia sinistra十六碳炔酸的英语翻译
化 hexadecynoic acid故障单元的英语翻译
计 trouble unit旁的英语翻译
other; side 医 latero-; meta-; para-蒲勒烯的英语翻译
化 pulegene公用卷的英语翻译
计 public volume智能数据存取的英语翻译
计 IDA皮肤红斑消退试验的英语翻译
医 extinction sign基普氏气体发生器的英语翻译
医 Kipp generator颈神经的英语翻译
医 nervi cervicales