unclose【化】 carat
【医】 carat
1.carat(measureofthepurityofgold) 2.karat 3.opening 4.spread 5.unfold 6.unclose 7.turn...on 8.OPN 9.dup 10.discharge 11.turnon 12.opentrackcircuit 13.hydrogenativecleavage例句:
- 码头工人开始卸货。Dockers started unloading the ship.
- 我们必须重新开始。We must make a new start.
- 我开始作画,仅仅是最近的事情。It is only recently that I started painting.
- 他是去年六月开始在这里工作的。He started work here last June.
- 我走到临湖而开的那扇门前。I reached the gate that opened onto the lake.
- 按这个按钮开动引擎。Press this button to start the engine.
- 树叶已开始变色,很快就是冬天了。The leaves have started to color; it will soon be winter.

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