bird; fowl; jay
1.jay 2.curlew 3.turbit 4.scissortail 5.wagtail 6.towhee 7.turnstone 8.fieldfare 9.fowl 10.avian例句:
- 这些树林里经常栖息着各种鸟类。These woods are frequented by all kinds of birds.
- 鸬鹚是一种长脖子黑颜色的大鸟,生活在海滨而且以吃鱼为生。The cormorant is a large, long-necked, dark-colored bird which lives near sea coasts and eats fish.
- 她拍摄鸟儿飞行的照片。She photographed the birds in flight.
- 这只鸟在用稻草和小树枝筑巢。The bird is building a nest of straw and twigs.
- 那只鸟想啄我。That bird tried to peck me.
- 我一觉醒来,鸟鸣之声不绝于耳。I woke up and was greeted by bird song.
- 我们不知道这些鸟如何找到它们的路。We have no idea how the birds find their way.
- 在春天里听鸟儿歌唱是一种乐趣。It's a pleasure to hear birds' warble in spring.

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