feebleness; inferior; weak; young【医】 ambly-; thinness
1.infirmness 2.siskin 3.valetudinarianism 4.feebleness 5.weakness 6.weakliness例句:
- 这个瘦小软弱的孩子成为全班嘲笑的对象。The small weak child became the scorn of the class.
- 他虚弱得连手都抬不起来。He was too weak even to lift his hand.
- 病人常常虚弱无力。A sick person is often feeble.
- 病人太衰弱了,不能说话。The patient is too weak to speak.
- 在以后的几年里,他变得衰弱了。He grew weak in after years.
- 这是他致命的弱点,他意志薄弱。This was his fatal defect; he was of feeble will.
- 虚弱常随年老而来。Infirmity often comes with old age.
- 坏脾气是他最大的弱点。Having a bad temper is his worst infirmity.

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