fan; lear【化】 blower
【医】 fan
1.fanned 2.fan例句:
- 这麽热--请把电扇打开。It's so hot please turn the fan on.
- 他出牌前先把纸牌在手里展成扇形。He fanned (out) the cards in his hand before playing.
- 这把扇子摺不上了。This fan doesn't furl neatly.
- 部队向前推进时呈扇形散开The troops fanned out as they advanced.
- 这部汽车有一个由风扇散热的冷却器。This car has a fan-cooled radiator.
- 我们的厨房里有台排气扇,用来消除油烟。We have an extractor fan in the kitchen to get rid of the smell of cooking.
- 我们把炉火扇得更旺。We fanned the fire to make it burn brighter.
- 士兵们在山腰上成扇形散开,搜索那个男人。The soldiers fanned out across the hillside in their search for the man.
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