fill; fill in; stuff; write
1.fill 2.stuff 3.fillersand 4.back-upsand例句:
- 上面(负责人)又送来一个表格让我们填写。They've (ie The people in authority have) sent us another form to fill in.
- 我得把墙上的那条裂缝填补好。I must fill that crack in the wall.
- 请填写随函附上之表格。Please fill in the form enclosed herewith.
- 我把表格填错了。再给我一张空白的,可以吗?I've filled in this form incorrectly. Can I have another blank?
- 答案用大写字母填写,不要用小写字母。Fill in your answers in capital letters, not small letters.
- 申请人得填写几种表格。The applicants have to fill in several forms.
- 全世界的人们都对北约的暴行感到义愤填膺。People all over the world are filled with indignation with the ferocity of NATO.
- 请做这个句子的填空。Please fill in the blanks in the sentence.

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