all; gather into one; interconnected system; together; tube-shaped part
1.series 2.Globecom例句:
- 你知道怎么登录进入这个系统吗?Do you know how to log in to the system?
- 统一体一个连续不断的范围、顺序或整体,除非用硬性分割不能将其中一部分当作邻近部分区分开来A continuous extent, succession, or whole, no part of which can be distinguished from neighboring parts except by arbitrary division.
- 这种长期的系统变化说明自然选择的作用,并表明女性骨骼的特性较大的适应性。但是,情况完全是这样的吗?A systematic long-term change of this kind suggests the action of natural selection and indicates that female skeletal characteristics confer greater fitness. But is this the whole story.
- 一切都乱了,整个系统有待整顿。Everything's falling apart; the whole system needs jacking up.

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