stomach; paunch; tummy【医】 gaster-; gastr-; gastro-; stomach; stomachus; ventriculus
1.gaster 2.gizzard 3.venter 4.kyte 5.paunch 6.tummy 7.ventriculus 8.craw 9.breadbasket 10.thepuddinghouse 11.anocelia 12.gastricshieid 13.gastro 14.gastricshield 15.innerman例句:
- 你的胃痛好些还是更坏了?Is your stomach getting better or worse?
- 大夫治好了他的胃病。The doctor cured him of his stomach trouble.
- 他胃不舒服。He has an upset stomach.
- 在他的胃部发现了一个恶性肿瘤。 A malign tumour was found in his stomach.
- 忧虑可能会引起胃部不适。Anxiety may disorder the stomach.
- 胃不能接受过多的食物。The stomach rebels against too much food.
- 食物由胃进入小肠。Food passed from the stomach to the small intestine.
- 那个老人得了胃溃疡。The old man has a stomach ulcer.

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