ding; echo; noise; noisy; ring; sound; strike【机】 ring
1.ring 2.resound 3.ding 4.bray例句:
- 教士那圆润低沉的声音在教堂里回响。The sonorous voice of the priest resounded in the church.
- 你能听到晨钟响吗?Can you hear the morning bell ringing?
- 电话响了。The telephone is ringing.
- 她被很响的关门声吵醒了。She was awakened by a loud bang.
- 电视声音太响了,把音量调低点儿。The television is too loud; turn the volume down.
- 铜管乐器的声音太响了。The brass is too loud.
- 他吹了一声响亮的口号表示高兴。He gave a loud whistle of gladness.

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