film; image; movie; photograph; picture; shadow; trace【医】 scia-; shadow; skia-
1.simulacrum 2.umbra例句:
- 你看过她新拍的电影吗?Have you seen her latest picture?
- 树在草坪上都投下长长的影子。The trees threw long shadows across the lawn.
- 每个人嗜好不同,有人喜欢音乐,有人喜欢摄影,还有些人喜欢爬山。People vary in taste; some love music, some enjoy taking pictures, and still others are fond of climbing mountains.
- 电影什么时候映完?When does the picture go off?
- 她的影像在他眼前浮现。Her image rose before him.
- 小猫看到自己在镜子中的倒影,感到很好奇。The cat felt curious when she saw her own reflection in the mirror.
- 树影映在墙上。The tree cast its shadow on the wall.
- 一些电影院曾叫作电影宫。Some cinemas used to be called Picture Palaces.

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