jail; lawsuit; prison
- 囚犯图谋越狱。The prisoner contrived a way to escape.
- 他由于偷窃被送入监狱。He was sent into prison for stealing.
- 监狱被高墙围绕着。The prison is encompassed by high walls.
- 那个骗子被关进监狱。The deceiver was put into prison.
- 这是一桩民事案件,因此他没有被送进监狱的可能。It was a civil case so there was no question of him being sent to prison.
- 那些挥霍者被关进监狱。Those prodigals were put into prison.
- 那个好色之徒被关进监狱。The lascivious person was put in prison.
- 监狱工作人员罢工一事,突出地表明我们的监狱制度需要改革。Strikes by prison officers underline the need for reform in our gaols.

建 casing-head plant一次闪蒸的英语翻译
化 full flashing; single flash帅的的英语翻译
医 LE factor超X线的英语翻译
医 ultra x-rays替代公断人的英语翻译
法 substitute arbitrator幸灾乐祸的英语翻译
take pleasure in other's misfortune; cro...局部最大值的英语翻译
计 local maximum骶段的英语翻译
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计 glass semiconductor read only memory家族性自主神经机能异常的英语翻译
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Adam's ale; Adam's wine; liquid; water ...奎靛红酸的英语翻译
化 quinisatinic acid可运用时间的英语翻译
电 up time胆固醇病的英语翻译
医 cholesterin disease国家公费医疗的英语翻译
医 federal medicine; sodalized medicine...立式离心泵的英语翻译
化 centrifugal pump with vertical axis经证明的英语翻译
法 verified