distant; far; remote【医】 ap-; apo-
1.farness 2.far-forth 3.faroff 4.awa例句:
- 这个小村庄离城市很远。This hamlet is distant from the town.
- 我们可以听到远处传来的车辆往来的嗡嗡声。We could hear the distant drone of the traffic.
- 他坐在操场上,聆听远处的蛙鸣。He sat on the playground listening to the distant croak.
- 我们可以听到远处炮声隆隆。We could hear the thunder of distant guns.
- 公司距离我家五英里远。My company is five miles distant from my home.
- 他是我的一位远房表亲。He is a distant cousin of mine.
- 连绵的远山依稀可见。The long sweep of the distant hills could just be seen.

计 priority check瞬时值的英语翻译
计 instantaneous value腐蚀性气体的英语翻译
化 active gases; corrosive gases牛疫的英语翻译
rinderpest 医 bovine typhus; butyphus; ...三价铬的的英语翻译
建 chromic牙敏感的英语翻译
医 hemodia; odonthemodia; odontohyperes...法人人格的英语翻译
法 juristal personality正义的英语翻译
justice; right; righteousness 法 justit...切割方案的英语翻译
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经 anti-cyclical policy; contra-cyclica...改进及修理贸易的英语翻译
经 improvement and repair trade变形开裂的英语翻译
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医 articulationes ossiculorum auditus胃外膜炎的英语翻译
医 exogastric; exogastritis标志磁道错误的英语翻译
计 mark track error