Draw tape bag and method of manufacture
Joint range-of-motion limitations among young males with hemophilia: prevalence and risk factors.
Successful treatment for patients with von Willebrand disease undergoing urgent surgery using factorVIII/VWF concentrate (Humate‐P...
Three-dimensional (3D) microarchitecture correlations with 2D projection image gray-level variations assessed by trabecular bone sco...
Abstract 8457: Early Neurodevelopmental Outcome in Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome and Related Anomalies: The Single Ventricle Recon...
The zinc/bromine battery system for utility and remote area applications
Practical Guide for Three-Dimensional Transthoracic Echocardiography Using a Fully Sampled Matrix Array Transducer
Factors affecting choice, satisfaction, and success in the female self-employed ☆
Impact of Short Daily Hemodialysis on Restless Legs Symptoms and Sleep Disturbances
Otomycosis in Burma, and its treatment.