1、Electric accessorial structure is designed to ensure steady welding of vibration-damping sheets.
2、This technique is mainly applied as accessorial fixation to other internal fixation techniques;
3、“FuKang” has become an accessorial brand of “DongFeng Citroen”.
4、The assistant police are the accessorial power of the police.
5、In the beginning, the search engine is only an accessorial tool in some famous portal sites.
6、The Application of Accessorial Function
7、Third, purchase accessorial material, with the value not exceeding 500 thousand RMB every time.
8、This paper researches an accessorial vehicle-locating technology based on sensors.
9、Li Yunfei: won the 1st of Boyish Group, from Centre Music Institute Accessorial Middle School.
10、Chen Yahan: won the 2nd of Enfant Group, from Wuhan Music Institute Accessorial Middle School.
11、Accessorial Tool of Pressure Test
12、From the music section of accessorial school in hebei art vocational school.
a. 附属的, 增加的 详情猜你喜欢
1、The gymnast had to do a double back fldivers造句
1、Divers and historians are still lookinscotch tape造句
1、I need to buy some Scotch tape so thatfreeze-drying造句
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1、A low wall or story above the cornicekaraoke造句
1、I sing at a karaoke bar.我在卡拉OK酒吧唱歌。2、Chunt up造句
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1、a gathering of members of an organizatdisprove造句
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