bubonic plague造句
be ignorant of造句
1、No one should be ignorant of law.任何人都不incompetent造句
1、If she is incompetent with this job, sfable造句
1、Protects not the old myth and the fablloom large造句
1、We have implied that Venus will loom linauspicious造句
1、The meeting got off to an inauspiciousdashed line造句
1、This is exactly what our blue dashed lfault造句
1、out of use or operation because of a fsmelting造句
1、Reutilization of the industrial wasterecite造句
1、He can recite that poem from memory.他能stand back造句
1、It's time to stand back and look at yofruiting造句
1、Ontogeny of Fruiting Body of Pholiotamo造句
1、A Comment On Ben Mo Guan of Ancient Grsurpass造句
1、E.g. It will be hard to surpass this vlockout造句
1、The NBA lockout hasn’t threatened shoefeldspar造句
1、Field evaluation of feldspar should papost-operative造句
1、No post-operative complication was notuganda造句
1、Landlocked Uganda and Rwanda are beingamyloid造句
1、The amyloid which occurs in certain enwisdom tooth造句
1、Must wisdom tooth unplug, so long thatuniversally造句
1、Disgust is one of them and it is unive