1、Saying so, Qianliang points to the calico covered corpse inside the rented house.
2、The company imported a lot of calico from a foreign country
3、made of calico or resembling calico in being patterned.
由印花布或白棉布做, 或类似于印花布的图案。
4、Ma had calico for a dress, too;
5、It is said that both were carrying Calico Jack Rackham's child.
6、Si rat, bite calico sack.
7、The company imported a lot of calico from a foreign country.
8、Saying so, he unveils the sheet of calico from the corpse.
9、Each put on a coarse straw bonnet with strings of coloured calico and a cloak of grey frieze.
10、The Calico Solar project has faced numerous legal and financial hurdles since its inception.
11、Calico Screen Printing on Dacron Textile Products(Part 1)
12、a spotted or calico horse or pony.
13、a spotted or calico horse or pony
14、The colonists bartered calico for Indian land.
n. 印花棉布, 白棉布 详情猜你喜欢
set aside造句
1、She set aside a little money each weekunderstand造句
1、I understand that OTC FOREX trading isfine grain造句
1、Development of Fine Grain Cast Vacuumacidophilic造句
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1、470 to 890 MHz for UHF Channels 14 thrfoundering造句
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1、He hard, bite the bullet character pavdoctorial造句
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1、Results identified that the adventitioannoying造句
1、FLICKERING lights are annoying but thebolt out造句
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1、The heir apparent succeeded to the thranomalistic造句
1、The anomalistic year is the time betweinfective造句
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1、The sick man is out of danger at last.interaction造句
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