1、Now, the whole REST URI is available by concatenating the base URI and the rest resource.
现在,通过连结基础URI和Rest资源,已经可以使用完整的 REST URI 了。
2、Concatenating two regular expressions creates a longer expression.
3、Calling this function creates a single string by concatenating the array elements you specify.
4、I can't manage to unzip them... I've tried everything, even concatenating the files.
5、Returns a new string made by concatenating the given strings with a separator.
【计】 并置 详情

1、Recently Silicon Saxony has taken somearchangel造句
1、Am Archangel Michael, The Creator's Mesubmit造句
1、Submit a photocopy of PASSPORT or ALIEdirectional derivative造句
1、The directional derivative according twanderlust造句
1、His parents thought he had wanderlustscuba diving造句
1、SCUBA diving has become a very popularthinking造句
1、That is precisely what I came out of cdirect effect造句
1、The direct effect of ethylene on lipascontract of carriage造句
1、Bill of Lading is the evidence of theextenuation造句
1、The lawyer pleaded his client's youthwater wheel造句
1、There is an image of a silk spinning mbd造句
1、There will bd pronounced alterations tshamrock造句
1、Your shamrock necklace? Cindy, I can'tbalding造句
1、This kind of guy can pull it off: Confbudget for造句
1、We have a-greed the budget for next yesilken造句
1、Insects, the main diet of most spidersvirile造句
1、The company boasts a virile technicalmargin of error造句
1、Rhinoplasty is precise surgery in whicwordlessly造句
1、He wordlessly guided me. I was an oarretired造句
1、The ladies retired to the drawing room