1、English sports fans sometimes cringe when they hear commentary on US sports.
2、As soon as they hear me, they obey me; foreigners cringe before me.
3、So great is your power that your enemies cringe before you.
4、No one wants to have to cringe when they tell people where they work.
5、Did you cringe watching some of your tanturms?
6、Do you cringe when they come in your office ?
7、If I'm up front, I cringe as people walk by.
8、People say I was the greatest ever to play to the game. I cringe a little bit.
9、I cringe when I think of the poems I wrote then.
10、Natives will cringe and squirm with embarrassment at such brashness.
11、School teachers probably cringe at this kind of pronunciation.
12、I always used to cringe when Crain's would do the list of "Chicago's most powerful."
13、I cringe when I think of the risks I took.
n. 畏缩, 奉承vi. 畏缩, 抖缩, 阿谀 详情猜你喜欢
1、A piquant wit妙趣横生的巧语2、The piquant boychancery造句
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1、A city of central Germany on the Elberifled造句
1、a shoulder weapon with a long barrel aair flow sensor造句
1、Trouble Hunting of Air Flow Sensor ondoxology造句
1、A doxology is a short prayer or hymn osomalia造句
1、The Somalia of the past is gone. The stexas造句
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1、The patient was referred to our clinicmost造句
1、And, lest we forget, Einstein wrote hiof late造句
1、Ma of biotite shows that the rock is fsesame seed造句
1、Although this a sesame seed bagatelleanaerobe造句
1、The anaerobe resistance fungus medicinon the stroke造句
1、He was there on the stroke in spite oftransmigrate造句
1、I understood as a practical matter thatoxicity造句
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1、But a weak yuan fuels inflation at hom