1、If I knew how to take a good photograph, I'd doit every time.
2、DoIt is the procedure we need to trigger after each interval.
3、Let us take a look at our simple doIt example with a bit of parametric typing thrown in.
4、A variation on our little doIt example makes this more clear.
5、If it's worth seeing, listening or doing, I want to see, listen or doit now.
6、Witnessing an orchestra play a Mozart symphony in a grand concert hall might doit as well.
n. 荷兰古代小铜币, 无价值的东西相关词组: not care a doit not worth a doit 详情0
good will造句
1、"Yield now and be at peace with Him; Twheelchair造句
1、A wheelchair can help people overcomeephesians造句
1、Another major difference is Colossiansair bearing造句
1、AMB and Foil air bearing has its inherpostulate造句
1、Sediment transport similarity is a posmother figure造句
1、She was a mother figure for him.对他来说她是be relevant to造句
1、Whether your product is complicated ormake an exception of造句
1、Therefore, we cannot make an exceptionbuster造句
1、With this, she wore Buster Browns, crepitt造句
1、Maybe like Brad Pitt or Mel Gibson.就像布colliding造句
1、This helps multiple developers to workkwai造句
1、Tsuen Wan new town embraces the areasfactory造句
1、The factory was surrounded by barbed wredirection造句
1、Let's use this along with output redirband together造句
1、But their effort to band together in tunfurnished造句
1、Jiang Beigen, his landlord, said Mr. Tconcert造句
1、The orchestra is tuning up and the conmahout造句
1、The output from such a test in Mahouttofu造句
1、The changes in protein structure and wroll in造句
1、a roll in which the plane follows a sp