1、Fedora is the free version of Red Hat, whose RHEL has been a commercial product since 2003.
2、By default, only one thread is started, though Red Hat and Fedora systems start at 8.
3、Beginning with Fedora Core 3, the default initrd image is a compressed cpio archive file.
从Fedora Core3开始,默认的initrd映像变成了一个经过压缩的cpio归档文件。
4、Future versions of Fedora are expected to include a tool for handling this issue.
5、Add the correct version of pbs_mom to the Fedora image.
6、This will become clearer next when you see how to implement this system on Fedora Core 8.
当您接下来了解如何在Fedora Core 8 中实现此系统时,将更清楚地明白这一点。
7、Listing 11 shows how to use initctl to obtain a list of upstart jobs on a Fedora 13 system.
8、Fedora Core 4 USES GCJ compilation for a number of programs.
Fedora Core4使用了gcj来为很多应用程序进行编译。
9、Fedora Core development repository: Go here to obtain updated Xerces packages.
Fedora Coredevelopmentrepository:在这里可以获得更新的xerces包。
10、Fedora also offers a six-month release schedule, and its security features are excellent.
11、The Fedora project keeps packages in two publicly accessible repositories.
12、With a default Fedora 7 install, the system spends a lot of its time swapping.
13、The Fedora Core V5 distribution includes hdaps in the kernel.
Fedora CoreV5发行版的内核中包括hdaps。
14、You can download this free community Linux distribution today from the Fedora download site.
15、Recommended Hat: Porkpie, Trilby, Fedora with short crown and brim.
16、For ease of development and administration, this article was developed on Fedora Core V5.
为了便于开发及管理,本文是基于Fedora Core V5开发的。
17、The virt-clone script provided by Fedora 10 can completely automate the task.
Fedora10提供的virt - clone脚本可以完全自动化这个任务。
18、Prior to Fedora Core 3, the initrd is constructed using the loop device.
在Fedora Core3之前,initrd是使用loop设备来构建的。
19、Fedora USES the rpmbuild command to create RPMs from a SPEC file.
Fedora使用rpmbuild命令来利用SPEC文件创建r pm。
20、Fedora 10 : Build the i386 RPM file and the documentation ZIP file.
Fedora10 (i386):构建i386RPM文件和文档ZIP文件。
21、Fedora 10 : Build the x86_64 RPM file.
Fedora10 (x86_64):构建x86_64RPM文件。
22、With the Fedora kernel there are two solutions.
23、The second useful program supplied with Fedora Core is rebuild-gcj-db.
Fedora Core提供的第二个有用的程序是rebuild - gcj - db。
24、Take young comedian Julie Andre. She said she's been wearing a fedora for about a month.
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