1、Mr Williams made a feint of accidentally knocking the table with a decanter
2、One person bumped into me as a feint while the other stole my wallet.
3、One person bumped into me as a feint while the other stole my wallet
4、Mr Williams made a feint of accidentally knocking the table with a decanter.
5、The contest becomes mainly one of feint and counterfeint.
6、He made a feint of working hard.
7、He was making a feint of reading when I entered the room.
8、He made a feint of studying hard, though actually he was listening to the radio.
9、We are all high-performers, and so this is not a position for the feint of heart.
10、The enemy was at first deceived by feint on Berlin, but not for long enough.
11、Is this just a feint to unnerve the neighbours ?
12、The boy made a feint of studying hard, but actually he was listening to the radio.
13、The boy made a feint of studying hard, though actually he was listening to the radio.
n. 伪装, 假装, 假托, 佯攻vi. 装作, 假装, 佯攻a. 假的, 虚饰的【法】 伪装, 佯装, 假象 详情猜你喜欢
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1、The retrogradation of steamed bread isfri造句
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1、Ellen gave me a rueful smile.埃伦对我凄然一笑。piety造句
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1、I made tea for all and sundry at the oAnalects of Confucius造句
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1、Can you think I would be so heartlessllyrics造句
1、The lyrics almost read like a W.B. Yeatox造句
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1、Famine will return, and death, and cit