great pyrenees造句
1、The Great Pyrenees is also very adaptable to different climates.
2、The Great Pyrenees is a highly intelligent and very perceptive breed.
3、Big dogs like the Anatolian shepherd or Great Pyrenees can guard them from hostile animals.
1、a piece of furniture with open shelvesrelative humidity造句
1、An innovative humidification system aloverturn造句
1、Recent evidence of subtle interactionsunbridled造句
1、Without you, I can laugh at unbridledacutely造句
1、When we left that afternoon, we were amottos造句
1、The same philosophy applies to your bunational park造句
1、Their project to establish a new natiolakefront造句
1、You own a cottage on a nice piece of lrun aground造句
1、Many boats have run aground on the sandifferentiable造句
1、You will see why. It is defined and diasparagine造句
1、The optimum growth nitrogen source ofupbringing造句
1、Do you not think then to branch off thto answer for造句
1、He will have to answer for his impolitdilemma造句
1、How is that existential dilemma to beenergize造句
1、Desires fuel our creativity, energizeformal language造句
1、First, formal language tends to be morneighbouring造句
1、He has stoked a long-running ethnic didentistry造句
1、Guaranteed to provide quick, effectiveimpermeable造句
1、The canoe is made from an impermeablecorrections造句
1、The System of Community Corrections in