1、That, at least, was the conclusion of a study by Taiki Takahashi of Hokkaido University in Japan.
至少日本北海道大学的大树高桥(Taiki Takahashi)的研究结论便是如此。
2、They lie to the north of Japan's Hokkaido island and to the south of Russia's Kamchatka peninsula.
3、If I can, I would live on a diet of Mozzarella sticks, Hokkaido milk, cornflakes and strawberries.
4、G8 leaders gather on the Japanese island of Hokkaido from 7 to 9 July.
5、Suzuki, 80, is based at Hokkaido University in Sapporo, Japan.
6、The Ainu settlers in Hokkaido are the last remnant of a prehistoric race.
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1、He had a hunch that she was lying他凭直觉认roofing造句
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