1、The use of the lensed fiber can improve the fiber output beam brightness greatly.
2、The use of the lensed fiber can improve the coupling efficiency and alignment tolerance greatly.
3、A lensed apparatus for altering the mode field of an optical signal is disclosed.
a. 有透镜的 详情0
change down造句
1、You have to change down when you driveskin disorder造句
1、Objectives: Vitiligo is a common skinfiligree造句
1、It means that the age-old filigree craobverse造句
1、AS well AS the oBverse side of things.get rid of造句
1、Helping Impoverished Minority Areas Geto the life造句
1、It links the human heart to the life oincomparable造句
1、Bessie Smith was an incomparable singehoopoe造句
1、If your dog seems to be sleeping in itweatherman造句
1、The weatherman threw a wet blanket ontidings造句
1、Good tidings we bring wherever you areleaky造句
1、In another corner, there was a stack otransportable造句
1、The Transportable Sorftware for Imageoutstanding balance造句
1、Credit card payments are based on youron the balance造句
1、The gymnast performed on the balance bSara造句
1、Sara and nurse Katie tear the infirmarbasic造句
1、Three kinds of weak basic anion exchancivility造句
1、The primary school of Mashan is my homincriminate造句
1、to incriminate someone in wrongdoing使某babel造句
1、A Tower of Babel of voices could be hesir isaac newton造句
1、His ground breaking research allowed S