line of duty造句
1、"Not here too!" he thought, for in the line of duty Robusto has seen many corpses.
2、More than 3,000 police officers were wounded in the line of duty last year.
3、He was killed in the line of duty last year.
4、A policeman was injured in the line of duty yesterday.
line of duty翻译
【法】 值勤, 公务 详情0
1、The duck gets the Nutter Butter!鸭子先找到果crushed造句
1、The creep tests of soil and crushed ston hand造句
1、50 has been set for life, again withoujudgmental造句
1、Everyone is judgmental to some extent,beauty salon造句
1、Will you spend this on a beauty salontransience造句
1、Transience can be seen in both short-sky-blue造句
1、Chrome is a microstrip sky-blue silverwarty造句
1、a fungal infection characterized by itjury造句
1、The judge said he would declare a mistnatal造句
1、If fruit is affectionate, he will be lempathic造句
1、They also noticed that empathic braineaglet造句
1、There's a time when eaglet becomes langood for you造句
1、It will be good for you to come in ondipper造句
1、See if you can find the Big Dipper andsquall造句
1、a squall advancing along a front thatfunction keys造句
1、During the feeding mode all the functiacquaintance造句
1、I just had a bowing acquaintance withtarget area造句
1、What is the target area on the body?怎样speech communication造句
1、Speech communication is a dynamic prochumanely造句
1、Is the primary persona being treated h