1、Mr Badawi can expect a longish honeymoon, probably up to the general election due next year.
2、There was a longish pause.
3、a thickset spaniel with longish silky hair
4、Isn't there a longish word that is just, you know, a word?
5、A great scent and a longish flowering period, the flowers are white with maroon blotches.
6、There was a longish period where her spirits were on a seesaw Up and down
7、It's a longish poem, not in your anthology, but you can find it in The Complete Yeats.
8、She's about my age, with longish hair.
9、She had longish legs and a big toe in line with the other toes, both good for walking.
a. 稍长的, 略长的 详情

1、[NIV] who acquit the guilty for a bribwillowy造句
1、She is really thin, a willowy 5 feet afirmness造句
1、The trait of resoluteness as firmnesshyphen造句
1、Although the hyphen does look quite amarketplace造句
1、The marketplace is still full of hardyuninterrupted造句
1、Thus the duplex strainer can provide ubasic input造句
1、Binding handles are the basic input pademeaning造句
1、Attempts to brand the belly dance as aski lift造句
1、Better than the ski lift over long disstarting point造句
1、The starting point is the box-in-box phacking造句
1、Life hacking is a crusade not for ricsilver lining造句
1、The silver lining is that many accommojealousy造句
1、I was full of jealousy and hurt.我内心充满了diplomatically造句
1、Since he has yet to complete a singleantimatter造句
1、In principle, antimatter could power ebeefcake造句
1、Jane loves her boyfriend so much thatcomputer operator造句
1、We had to train computer operator fromhydroelectric plant造句
1、The first hydroelectric plant in the Uinspire with造句
1、To inspire with awe.因恐惧而引起2、If you achsaponin造句
1、Evaluation of the Anti-Mutagenic Effec