low-fat milk造句
1、To promote "healthier" drink choices, the company made low-fat milk products available.
2、A bowl of high-fiber, multigrain cereal, lots of strawberries, and low-fat milk on top.
3、Drinks will be limited to water, low-fat milk and juice.
4、Take whole wheat crackers, lean meats and low-fat milk along with you.
5、It is best to drink water or low-fat milk with meals.
1、He was wearing that dark, bloodstainedtablespoon造句
1、Use a solution of 1 tablespoon of vinenewscaster造句
1、That newscaster is a showboat, she wanobligatory造句
1、Is it obligatory on us to help the poofreaked造句
1、Later, Tyler freaked out when he accidbig deal造句
1、Because an extra holiday was a big dealiquify造句
1、Notice the results of the Liquify Filtit follows that造句
1、If a = b and b = c it follows that a =challengeable造句
1、Until now it has got the best propertichoice造句
1、She was the natural choice for the jobignorance造句
1、Poverty and ignorance are the enemiesandroecium造句
1、The androecium is borne on the fused cdilation造句
1、The stasis from the obstruction and dibent造句
1、All eyes were bent on me.大家都把目光投向我。2、Scheesecake造句
1、Sasha: They have fantastic chocolate ccapital contribution造句
1、The promoters shall be also liable fortyrannize造句
1、The strong should not tyrannize the weepigenetic造句
1、And yet even if epigenetic inheritanceantitussive造句
1、Noscapine has been primarily used as acollision造句
1、Better collision detection for the lif