serial port造句
1、Select Serial port setup.选择serialportspreprocessing造句
1、One is all the preprocessing and translock-out造句
1、The lock-out could resume if no new cotaxis造句
1、It's also a great time for drivers - tberth造句
1、Can I buy a berth ticket in the train外slue造句
1、Near the Tea Cave which in Chankiang Jnehru造句
1、Spectators looked at a reflection of tinterpolator造句
1、Design of interpolator in ∑△DAC∑△DAC中插right brain造句
1、Ultimately, here's what is heartening:conclude造句
1、I hope to conclude some business withboard of trustees造句
1、Their motion was rejected at the meetianaplastic造句
1、Purpose to probe into morphologic andprime mover造句
1、The prime mover muscle makes a greaterdata transfer造句
1、the exploration of data transfer modecelebrated造句
1、But it is still one of the Indiana's cincorrectly造句
1、Incorrectly understood or interpreted.alabama造句
1、The state of Alabama is already doingcentral processing unit造句
1、A fast storage buffer in the central psynergy造句
1、Call that synergy - surely a good thincongressional造句
1、Congressional leaders now have to work