1、The fruity notes flow over a blend of amber, vanilla, myrrh and rare balms.
2、Strong myrrh scent with hints of meadowsweet.
3、When burned as incense, myrrh is a symbol of prayers rising to heaven.
4、To identify Myrrh and Safflower in Gushang wine the thin layer chromatography was used.
5、Objective: To study the change of pharmacological actions of Myrrh after processing.
6、Psalm 45:8a says of Christ the King, "All Your garments smell of myrrh and aloes, of cassia."
7、Myrrh was a spice used to embalm the dead.
8、Mixed fragrance: tea, myrrh and fruit.
9、On its forehead was a chrysolite, and its breasts were smeared with myrrh and cinnamon.
10、Fading red Blood Silk Repair Cream Ingredients: red myrrh alcohol, Camomile, HA, etc.
褪 * 修复霜(50ml)主要成份:红没药醇、尿囊素、洋甘菊、透明质酸等。
11、Contains xylitol to help prevent plaque and propolis & myrrh for a healthy-feeling mouth.
12、No doubt, between layers of myrrh and aloes, the Head being wrapped in a napkin.
n. 没药树【化】 没药【医】 没药 详情猜你喜欢
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