1、In this land of mythic tales, it's time for some new heroes to step forward.
2、Today, that mythic route has captured the imagination of world - renowned cellist yo - yo ma.
3、Spiritual leaders gather in wesak valley, a mythic place high in the himalayas.
4、A novel of profound, almost mythic consequence
5、In literature, Goethe's Faust is a mythic German alchemist who made a deal with the devil.
6、Upper Seasons Lake is a mythic hiding place of fire-breathing monsters.
7、Scott of the Antarctic was a national hero of mythic proportions.
8、And like Camelot, Akhenaten's once bustling capital became only a mythic memory.
9、At the level of our collective mind, I think our mythic realities are changing.
10、Creating a mythic poetic world, mythic archetypal symbol leaves much room to imagination.
11、The image might be a statue, a beautiful person, or a mythic beast.
12、That is to say, it participates in the mythic way of thinking about things.
13、Blue roses have a mythic quality because they, until recently, were impossible to grow.
a. 神话的, 存在于神话中的, 神话式的, 不真实的, 虚构的, 幻想出来的 详情

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