old master造句
1、An instrument made by an old master can now be copied in every detail-except for the sound.
2、The show is not all trompe l’oeil: there are a handful of old master paintings too.
3、Or painted by an old master as the face of an angel.
4、The Old Master was bought by dealers at the Christie's sale.
5、The Old Master appeared to have dictated a message to Perino, just before his death.
- APA造句
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- rivalry造句
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- outpost造句
- salk造句
- altar造句
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- singlehood造句
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- curious造句
- nudge造句
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- quaoar造句
- renege造句
- relic造句
- implantation造句
- semidesert造句
- appear造句
- stimulate造句
- slog造句
- bloodletting造句
- roundness造句
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- glassware造句
- brace造句
- accompanied造句
- I dare say造句