port of discharge造句
1、Shall we have a talk on the port of discharge this morning?
2、Shall we have a talk on the port of discharge this afternoon?
3、Shall we talk about the port of discharge this afternoon?
4、Shall we have a talk on the port of discharge this afternoon
port of discharge翻译
【经】 卸货港 详情

- great-aunt造句
- timidity造句
- inexcusable造句
- seriously造句
- von neumann造句
- trifle造句
- incurring造句
- fully grown造句
- tia造句
- ghetto造句
- arabian desert造句
- sufficiency造句
- abysmally造句
- electronic mail造句
- luminosity造句
- wilton造句
- taekwondo造句
- octal造句
- combustible material造句
- jobless造句
- full authority造句
- flavonoid造句
- slouch造句
- prominent造句
- coffee shop造句
- lose contact with造句
- sales pitch造句
- sulkily造句
- angina pectoris造句
- hallucination造句
- Mr造句
- centrifugal造句
- real cost造句
- be up against造句
- there is no way of造句
- brought about造句
- slayer造句
- superfluity造句
- desirable造句