1、Serum amyloid A (SAA) is a sensitive reactant in the acute phase
2、If I have a beaker with some solid reactant on the bottom here.
3、Conversion degree of reactant increased with diluent content.
4、The effects of reactant ratio, temperature, time, and solvents on the reaction were exam-ined.
5、Serum amyloid a is a sensitive reactant in the acute phase.
血清淀粉样蛋白a (SAA)是一个非常敏感的急性相反应物。
6、Nd ̄(3+):YAG Laser Tonsillcoagulation Study on Acute Phase Reactant Proteins
7、Aim To study the influence of initial concentration change of reactant on conversion ratio.
8、The influence of reacting temperature and ratio of reactant were studied.
9、Based on a reactant fed to the process according to the stoichiometric coefficients.
10、The influences of the reactant proportion and reacting condition on the yield were also studied.
11、Oxygen is often used as reactant in chemical processes.
12、Reaction rate is measured by the change in concentration of a reactant or product per unit time.
13、And that's on the reactant side.
14、Reactant contains acid; avoid contact with skin and eyes!
n. 反应物【化】 反应物【医】 反应物 详情猜你喜欢
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