1、Hungering Cold - Your Hungering Cold ability no longer costs runic power.
2、The meaning of some runic forms is not always well understood today.
3、Death Coil now costs 40 runic power, down from 50.
4、They practice a runic magic that even the most experienced wizards find unfamiliar.
5、It is possible that high elves would have learned runic magic from the Wildhammer dwarves.
6、Anti-Magic Shell no longer costs Runic Power.
a. 如尼文字的 详情

1、Creates a new input stream with a defared-letter day造句
1、It's a red-letter day today. The exampumpkin seed造句
1、Jamie plants a pumpkin seed in the sprmatchless造句
1、Why does he have matchless memory?为何他有high-performance造句
1、The Application of High-Performance DSfall short造句
1、Social change is difficult, and some pretest造句
1、You can edit the pool to change paramecashing造句
1、There is definitely money to be made asewage造句
1、The Application of Submersible Agitatocall loan造句
1、A call loan can be cancelled at any tigreat salt lake造句
1、Some set off in a wagon train and founblooded造句
1、Blooded cattle were brought in to imprnight life造句
1、St. Petersburg's night life ranks as mannual interest rate造句
1、This represented an effective annual iofficiating造句
1、The bride and groom, accompanied by thscrutinise造句
1、Indians scrutinise officials' salariesshelling造句
1、It is as easy as shelling peas.那就像剥豌豆一overhear造句
1、I chanced to overhear them talking abogas oil造句
1、The coker gas oil was refined by benzyundetected造句
1、The African Region, China and India co