1、Of or relating to the vagus nerve.
2、The right vagus divides into celiac and gastric branches.
3、Sports can also stimulate the vagus nerve, to enhance the brain and heart function.
4、Could getting a pacemaker have damaged my vagus nerve?
5、(neurology) of or relating to the vagus nerve.
6、The tensile strength of vagus and spinal nerves is very alike.
7、The vagus nerves have an inhibitory action on atrial pacemakers.
8、That's the stress response, and the Vagus nerve is the brake, " says Sternberg.
这就相当于压力反应,而迷走神经就是刹车。”Sternberg 说。
9、Vagus nerve to control heart rate through breathing.
10、To grasp the operational methods and essentials of trachea intubatton and vagus nerve separation.
n. 迷走神经【医】 迷走神经 详情猜你喜欢
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