1、Collect section actuals for statement of interest.
2、Planning and schedules: Source code planned for development versus actuals and against schedules.
计划和时间表:被计划开发的源代码VS .实际根据时间表开发的源代码。
3、Actuals available for delivery are traded for cash on a spot or forward basis.
4、Ensure the data quality for actuals and budgeting.
5、Create and post actuals data.
【经】 实际货物 详情

1、This was deliberate antagonism under thostage造句
1、He took two women hostage and forced tschool principal造句
1、The school principal awarded a prize iberg造句
1、Recordings were an important part of ttt造句
1、Theclinical manifestations of TT leproshenyang造句
1、HVAC design of Shenyang Marriott Hotelworkaholism造句
1、Workaholism is detrimental not only torepent of造句
1、Don't you repent of having wasted yourperu造句
1、He outlined the plan before departingsoled造句
1、He was wearing a thick soled boots andtweak造句
1、I think you'll have to tweak these figreal money造句
1、Yet they are happy to swap real moneycardiogenic造句
1、Cardiogenic hepatic damage; Heart failequilibrium造句
1、The equilibrium condition of berthed scu造句
1、If the CU is contiguous then there archoosing造句
1、The nature of industry agglomeration ifistulas造句
1、Obstetric fistulas are caused by obstrgreyed造句
1、The color images of apple were extracttorture造句
1、The interview was sheer torture from sstenosis造句
1、In addition, MRA showed no stenosis or