1、All the data of the attemper center are stored in the database.
2、This arithmetic can act as the power bidding strategy by attemper center.
3、Poplar stationmaster sits a direct, attemper mechanical.
4、Of resource attemper effectively, new to life philosophic theory even ginseng is realized.
5、Attemper after the center calls car phone to debut, get the praise of social all circles.
6、The control method can neatly attemper all AGVs in the whole system and have better adaptability.
vt. 使缓和, 调节, 调和 详情0
cut and paste造句
1、This function allows you to cut and pafirst baseman造句
1、Wang started playing baseball in fourtmeteor shower造句
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1、Guar gum produces the highest viscositdewar造句
1、This system was designed for wiring onrotc造句
1、Later, he received a call from the ROTallicin造句
1、The Toxicity Action of 5% Allicin EW tbrat造句
1、An Army brat was boasting about his faparanormal造句
1、By 1995 I had become, apparently, theholds造句
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1、It is essential that a cardholder undefiring squad造句
1、Was a former NBA player executed by fimansion造句
1、The Functions of Administrators at Huiwork station造句
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1、Conclusions B-ALL with myelocytic antidiffidence造句
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1、Mohair is also better at keeping you wwisecrack造句
1、He made a wisecrack about my ability.他