1、Backup guard and former Blazer Von Wafer added 21 points, making 7 of 13 shots.
2、This single button on the blazer of the sea.
3、We clearly see that the future of the Blazer franchise goes through Roy, not Greg Oden.
4、He was wearing a black blazer and white Nikes
5、The man wore a straw boater and a striped blazer which bulged over his paunch.
6、Chandler: Blue blazer back. He-he wants it back.
7、Stepping into a darkened alcove, he shed his coat, revealing the blue blazer he wore underneath.
8、Dressed in a white blazer and jeans, Cochran, 31, was flanked by graduate students.
9、It would be like him to trot after me, his navy blazer flapping, just to eke the truth out of me.
10、A blazer with smart jeans is a high end look.
11、He was wearing a black blazer and white Nikes.
n. 燃烧体, 颜色鲜明的上装, 宣布者 详情猜你喜欢
problem solving造句
1、Problem solving is not only a productido it all造句
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1、This month, the results of a French po