1、Achenes 8 - ribbed, white pilose; pappus scabrous, 10-12 mm long, connate at base.
瘦果纺锤形,具8条纵棱,被白色长柔毛;冠毛粗糙,长10 - 12毫米,基部联合。
2、The chemistry of connate water can change in composition throughout the history of the rock.
3、Connate water can be dense and saline compared with seawater.
4、The term connate implies born, produced or originated together.
5、Connate water is also described as fossil water.
a. 天赋的, 先天的, 同族的【医】 出生时的(在生产时的发生的) 详情0
1、You can do this by following the instrunmistakably造句
1、This story is unmistakably by a woman;BAK造句
1、The expressions of BAG-1 and bak in hutotal price造句
1、Compute the total price considering thpithy造句
1、The corn plant has a pithy nodded stalsolar power造句
1、Generating solar power in the UK involinitiatory造句
1、The result is to produce the initiatormargarita造句
1、Note: The above price of pearl margaricome into the market造句
1、Benjamin: Our company has just come inbullfighting造句
1、If you come, you will be in Spain, bulbusiness deal造句
1、a business deal on a trivial scale.价值不hold up造句
1、The result of the function is returnedgoodbye造句
1、Thanks for being with us for WEFL's moagrarian造句
1、During the struggle, the agrarian probgastroenteritis造句
1、Because he doesn't get mad often, he'spilotless造句
1、Our pilotless rocket enters the tracklethal dose造句
1、A lethal dose of barbiturates.巴比妥酸盐的致死unmet造句
1、I'm convinced that the number one probdiscommode造句
1、I just don't think that you discommodeexpiation造句
1、And one male goat as a sin offering, t