1、The old man was sitting in his favourite chair, contentedly pulling at his pipe.
2、My father sat puffing contentedly on his pipe.
3、The young animal turned quickly, and began contentedly eating the leaves out of Heidi's hand.
4、A quiet mind may live as contentedly there, and have as cheering thoughts.
1、It can lift rate of zinc reclamation,in the order of造句
1、Note that the list should be in the orportend造句
1、In general, having a fallback person dconstrual造句
1、QUESTION FROM GOODMACHINE: are you awaperfectly造句
1、I should say your opinion is perfectlyabsent造句
1、Elongate fishes with pelvic fins and gwhite-collar造句
1、Their educational opportunities have gcrystal clear造句
1、But what is crystal clear is that thetransmitting造句
1、automatically transmitting data from oearring造句
1、an earring with a pendant ornament有下垂物inlaid造句
1、People riding fish inlaid with semipreanorexia nervosa造句
1、She quoted from texts on anorexia nervverbalization造句
1、The verbalization is a combination ofwrite-up造句
1、The concert got a good write-up in theexceed造句
1、exceed sb. in courage勇气超过某人2、To exceedessential attribute造句
1、Sociality is the human essential attrilandscaping造句
1、I borrowed one from John, who USES itbutane造句
1、Emulsion Copolymerization of TDI-HPA agallstone造句
1、Objective to study the effects of glucspasmodic造句
1、a spasmodic fault on our TV我们电视机间歇性的毛病