1、Study leader Dana King said he was surprised that the effect was so large and so quick.
2、Produced by Oliver Stone, "Wild Palms" costars Dana Delaney, Jim Belushi and Angie Dickinson.
3、Dana has worked on a number of documentation efforts including Domino Administrator help.
4、The death of actress and activist Dana Reeve last March put the issue into the spotlight.
5、Christopher was in Virginia with his wife, Dana Morosini, and their young son, Will.
6、Rickey Dana is one of millions of Americans living with a long-term illness.
7、Now my document can reference the XML content that Dana Bourgeois keeps about his guitars.
现在,我的文档可以引用DanaBourgeois 保留的有关他的吉他的XML内容。 即便他更改了此信息,我也无需担心;我的文档始终是最新的,因为它只链接到他更新过的信息。
8、The agency recently announced it would reconsider its ruling in its 2007 Dana Corporation decision.
9、"The impact on labor markets will be virtually invisible," said Dana Johnson of Comerica Bank.
10、Maryland lawyer Dana Moylan Wright was trapped in a vicious cycle.
11、Dana asked me to show you to the greenroom.
12、Dana bought rolls of silk that seemed ridiculously cheap.
13、Last week, Dana Reeve died of lung cancer at the age of forty-four.
14、At the White House, Dana Perino agreed that settlement activity is a big problem.
15、Dana jumped 13 percent to close at 1, 706 pence in London, the highest price since July 2008.
16、Hardly looking at the old man, she told Dana to get on her plane.

1、But so far, no one has found an insectin reference to造句
1、People do not know what "Formal-Externalbumen造句
1、The total protein and albumen in bloodto step forward造句
1、In any given moment we have two optioncreek造句
1、Coffee-colored Wathumba Creek spills ikaffir造句
1、The direct ancestor of the modern cathemispherical造句
1、A structure or other object resemblingexempt from造句
1、Another advantage of Treasuries is thaphysics class造句
1、We have gained some knowledge about elbrassica造句
1、Chemical composition of 3 kinds of Crufalse hair造句
1、She wore false hair to the dance.她戴著假发chuckle造句
1、She gave a chuckle of delight.她高兴得笑出声来insufficient funds造句
1、Insufficient funds lead to poor mainteearthman造句
1、Buddha's realm. Earthman 3: The life pby mouth造句
1、Never give anything by mouth to an uncwrack造句
1、Rosie is holding up a strand of bladdetried and true造句
1、Let's not forget the tried and true walice造句
1、To rid(a person or an animal) of licecompressing造句
1、Compressing type deepfreeze is the comchalkboard造句
1、Wipe the chalkboard with a damp cloth.