1、Aim: To study the decarboxylation of quinolone s.
2、An enzyme that catalyzes a carboxylation or decarboxylation reaction
3、The ability of clay minerals to catalyse decarboxylation has long been recognised.
4、It was originally obtained by decarboxylation of benzoic acid.
5、Objective: To study the decarboxylation of quinolones.
6、Isocitrate dehydrogenases catalyze the oxidative decarboxylation of isocitrate to 2-oxoglutarate.
7、One exception is the decarboxylation of aromatic carboxylic acids.
8、This decarboxylation is catalysed by the enzyme glutamic acid decarboxylase.
【化】 脱羧; 脱羧基作用【医】 脱羧[作用] 详情0
wooden pole造句
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1、Which send out a lot of letters save tyes造句
1、They must have a definite replay, yestotal equity造句
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1、The evolving of the Marxism theory abobefore christ造句
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1、Only a fifth of its revenue comes fromreorganisation造句
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