1、The technology is not excellent also nevertheless, can be very dilettante opinion only.
2、It is also a phenomenological layers which encourage dilettante contemplation.
3、I'm too serious to be a dilettante and too much a dabbler to be a professional.
n. 业余爱好者a. 外行的, 浅薄的 详情0
1、This is the website of Public Health Elarge order造句
1、Our school has placed a large order fopull造句
1、If you drive too fast, the police willpicking造句
1、A few days later, at twilight, the samike造句
1、Klaette just got off the plane, camelssaunter造句
1、He began to saunter casually back downthumb造句
1、The thickened nail of his right thumbendoscope造句
1、Light-source control system, shutter callometric造句
1、The results showed that there is an alpraetorian造句
1、A member of the Praetorian Guard古罗马禁卫军wide-screen造句
1、Continuous wide-screen ink supply systbranching造句
1、The act or process of branching out orsovereign risk造句
1、Over 60pc of respondents cited sovereisoft drink造句
1、A soft drink turns away companies软饮料会赶bloat造句
1、There is a slight bloat from added HTMnumerical control machine造句
1、Numerical control machine is an importcussed造句
1、The coach cussed the team out for itsdribble造句
1、"I'd like LeBron to dribble it, and thvega造句
1、Far away through the plantation Vega ssquirm造句
1、I doubt it: in my experience it is har